Wayne also founded the mortgage brokerage and administration firm known as Pillar Financial Services Inc., 27 years ago, which now lends and underwrites the mortgages these funds invest in. Designations include: Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), Registered Financial Planner (R.F.P), Certified Investment Manager (CIM), Certified in Real Estate Finance (CRF), and holder of a BA(Sc) from Queens University.
By developing one of the first MICs offered by prospectus in the country, Wayne has had a considerable impact on arguably one of the most emergent fixed-income products available today. His leadership, rational thinking, prudent underwriting and overall knowledge in the industry enabled him to create a one of a kind investing opportunity in Canada that is unmatched by today’s standards and ever increasing regulation.
Wayne was the owner and CEO of a petroleum company for 6 years and spent 6 years as a Director of the Eastern Ontario Development Corporation, an Ontario Crown Corporation, providing loans to developing and expanding businesses.
He was a CFA exam marker for 10 years for the Institute of Advanced Financial Planners and Executive Director of North Frontenac Community Services where he took part in social, health and community planning.